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How to achieve 4x higher attach rates with Pipe's embedded capital

Pipe helps partners achieve attach rates well above industry average with a seamless user experience, tailored underwriting, and GTM support

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By Luke Voiles  September 6, 2024


At Pipe, we’ve always believed that the real measure of success isn’t just about having a great product—it’s about how much capital gets into the hands of real business owners. If business owners aren’t choosing to utilize their capital access, for whatever reason, there’s no benefit to them or our partner platforms. That’s why we’re so proud of the high attach rate we’ve achieved with our embedded capital offerings. But what exactly does that mean? 

Simply put, the attach rate measures the percentage of merchants who activate a pre-approved or pre-qualified capital offer after it's presented to them. This metric is critical because it shows us that we're providing real value that merchants are eager to use. While many embedded capital providers see attach rates in the 1-3% range, Pipe’s vertical SaaS partners currently see a 13.1% attach rate within the first month.1 

Here’s why…

Seamless user experience

A smooth user experience is non-negotiable. That’s why we’ve designed Pipe’s platform to be as frictionless as possible when it comes to integration. Each integration option—whether it's Pipe-hosted, turnkey embedded UI, or custom API—ensures that our partners can implement the solution without significant development resources, minimizing costs and maximizing speed to market so the focus can stay on what really matters—helping merchants grow. After all, when they grow, you grow, and when you offer them something they truly want and need, you build your brand into a go-to platform for them.

For the merchants themselves, we’ve made accessing capital as easy as a few clicks. They don’t have to jump through hoops or leave the platform they’re already comfortable with. This kind of seamless experience isn’t just nice to have—it’s essential for driving higher attach rates because it builds on the trust merchants already have in your platform and removes the complexity and friction of getting capital. And it’s made possible by the way we underwrite.

Underwriting the future

Traditional lenders often overlook businesses that don’t fit into neat boxes, but we see things differently. By shifting our focus away from traditional credit scores and toward real-time data like revenue and cash flow, we're opening the door for a wider range of businesses—many of whom might not have had access to this kind of financing before.

Many small businesses may not have years of history—or the accounting and support staff to wrangle piles of paperwork—but that doesn’t mean their businesses aren’t worthy of access to capital. By measuring the actual transaction patterns, our models can pre-approve merchants for the capital they deserve without many unnecessary friction points.

This approach isn’t just about inclusivity (though that’s a big part of it); it’s about recognizing the true potential of businesses that might be overlooked by the old guard. And it’s paying off—by offering capital to more merchants, our partners are seeing a boost in attach rates that reflects the real demand out there.

Go-to-Market support

Success doesn’t happen in a vacuum. That’s why we go the extra mile to support our partners with content that educates and engages their merchants. We don’t just drop a capital offering into a platform and hope for the best. Instead, we equip our partners with everything they need to explain the benefits of embedded capital in a way that clicks with their audience.

Every partner is unique, so our go-to-market support is tailored to meet the needs of each partner and their merchants. Whether it’s nurture and lifecycle email campaigns and direct mail, white-labeled content marketing, or in-product messaging across your platform surfaces, we want to ensure your merchants are aware of their offer exactly when they need it and can activate it as easily as possible. 

If you really want a successful embedded financial product, an embedded go-to-market team is crucial. Our dedicated sales support and customer success teams work hand-in-hand with partners to onboard merchants and ensure they’re getting the most out of what we offer. While nearly everyone can self-serve through our funnel, there are always edge cases where merchants need a hand sorting out a bank account or a little extra clarity about a question they have. 

Success stories

Seeing is believing, and our partners have seen the impact of seamless UI and go-to-market support in their numbers. Take Priority Capital, for example. After launching a new capital product powered by Pipe, they saw their attach rate increase by ~30% with Pipe’s tailored revenue team support, compared to a control group. For many SMB owners, accessing embedded capital this way is so easy, that they want to talk to a person to make sure it really is that easy!  

“Pipe’s dedicated GTM support team was first class in its proactive approach, providing tailored strategies that perfectly aligned with our product's needs. Our collaboration on deep market insights and hands-on guidance significantly streamlined the go-to-market process, making the product launch smoother and more effective.” - John Grebe, VP of Product Strategy at Priority. 

Ultimately, it comes down to more than just a good metric. The goal is to deliver real growth for small businesses through the platforms they use to run their operations every day. Another vertical SaaS partner not only saw an attach rate even higher than average, they also saw merchant revenue increase by an average of 15% in the first two months after taking an advance. SMBs need working capital, and they need platforms that will partner with them to make it more accessible.


Our high attach rates aren’t just numbers—they’re proof that when you make it easy for partners to deliver real value, everybody wins. By providing seamless integration options, innovative underwriting that expands access, and dedicated go-to-market support, we’re not just another embedded capital provider—we’re a true partner in growth.

Whether you're looking to enhance your platform’s offerings or help your merchants seize new opportunities, Pipe is here to help you unlock new levels of success. Let's connect and see how we can grow together.

1 Average rate across our vertical SaaS partners in the US.

Disclaimer: Pipe and its affiliates don't provide financial, tax, legal, or accounting advice. What you're reading has been prepared for knowledge-sharing and informational purposes only. Please consult your financial and legal advisors to determine what transactions and decisions are right for you and your business.

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Luke Voiles Luke Voiles is CEO of Pipe, a fintech nerd, and a father of four. Before joining Pipe, he was the GM of Square Banking at Block and led the team that built out Intuit’s small business lending unit, QuickBooks Capital. Connect with Luke on LinkedIn to keep the conversation going.

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